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Monday, December 31, 2012

Old School Dessert

My mom had to take a dessert to a potluck and came home with a two large containers of cottage cheese, two of Cool-Whip and two of cherry jello.  I looked at her like she was crazy!  I asked her what she planned on doing with those ingredients and she told me that she was making her dessert.  I thought she was crazy.  Turns out, a teacher at my mom's school had brought it in one day and claimed that it was the newest recipe craze.  My mom thought she was nuts; turns out my grandma used to make it for my mom when she was a child.  The recipe is so easy and tastes so good!  Red 40 and I don't react well together, but I was really craving raspberry so I decided to chance it.  Turns out, in very small quanities it doesn't give me a migraine, so yeah for that! 
With no further ado, here's the recipe and please enjoy!

One container of th Cool - Whip of you choice (fat - free, regular or sugarless)
One container of cottage cheese (also of your choice)
One package of Jello, flavor of your choice

Mix the Cool-Whip, cottage cheese and Jello together.  Refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until the Jello has absorbed and the mixture has set. 

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