Monday, March 23, 2015

Ooey, Goey, Chocolate Brownie cookies

So you know those days when you're craving something ooey, gooey, and chocolaty, something like a brownie but with the ability to limit yourself to one or two instead of the entire pan?  Yeah, that was one of these days.  I was dying for a hot-out-of-the-oven brownie; that warm, deep, dark chocolate taste coating my tongue.  And, an icy cold glass of milk to wash it down.  The problem is, if I make an entire pan of brownies, I think that I need to eat the entire pan of brownies.  I mean, I do live alone, but an entire pan of brownies is still not a good idea.  So, Google became my best friend when I decided to try and find something called a brownie cookie. 
  When I first started this search, I wasn't sure that a brownie cookie actually existed.  I thought maybe I was going into uncharted territory and I was going to have to test out my culinary expertise.  However, much to my surprise, this miraculous thing called a Brownie cookie actually existed complete with a recipe.  So, once I found a recipe I liked, I went looking in my kitchen for the ingredients.  Well, part of the reason this blog hasn't been updated as frequently is because I started eating healthier.  I'm talking like roasted kale and salmon kind of healthy;  I've also tried to cut out sugar.  So needless to say, I've been doing a lot of experimenting with healthier treats.  Nothing has managed to make the blog so far, because I still need more practice to put it mildly.  However, once in a while I really, really want good old-fashioned sugar.  This craving led to these cookies.  Here is the original recipe from Food Network, Extreme Brownie Cookie, but when I started looking in my pantry, I didn't have any bittersweet chocolate.  So the handy girl that I am, I decided to proceed anyway with some improvisation.  Below please find the recipe for the ooey, gooey, chocolaty Chocolate Brownie Cookie

12 ounces (2 cups) semi sweet chocolate, chopped
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter
3 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup white
1/2 brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 ounces (1 cup) semisweet chocolate chips  ( I didn't use these, but if you like chocolate chips in your brownies, feel free to add
In the microwave, gently melt the chocolate and butter, using 15 second intervals. Allow it to cool.

Using an electric mixer, beat the eggs and vanilla in a mixing bowl until frothy. Slowly add the sugar and beat until the mixture drips off the beaters. Add the melted chocolate mixture and combine.
Add the dry ingredients together. Fold in the chips if you desire. The dough will seem more like cake batter than cookie dough. Cover the mixing bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate until the dough is well chilled (and more cookie-dough-like).   For this step, I actually just threw the bowl into the freezer for about 30 minutes until the butter re-hardened. 

Set the oven to 350 degrees. Line several baking sheets with baking parchment.

Scoop up the chilled dough and roll with your hands into small balls the size of a half dollar. Place the cookies on the prepared pans, about 1 1/2 inches apart.
Bake about 12 minutes or a bit longer. The tops of the cookies should look dry and cracked. Allow to cool for a minute on the baking sheet, then remove to cake racks for further cooling.

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