Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Enchilada Lasagna

   This recipe evolved from sheer laziness on my part.  During finals week I decided that spicy enchiladas sounded really good; I was in the process of catching cold (it ended up being more than a simple cold, it ended up being a three week bronchial problem that resulted in me spending a good portion of my Christmas vacation on the couch with a hot water bottle, vaporizer and Vick's)  but I didn't know that, I just knew that I wanted something spicy that I could taste.  When I got home from the grocery store I was exhausted (this should have been a hint that I was sick)  but I was way too lazy to actually make and roll the enchiladas.  So I decided to turn my spicy enchiladas into lasagna using all the ingredients that I normally would have used for individual enchiladas.  I do have to say, it was a marvelous success.  I like my enchiladas medium spicy, not mouth burning spicy, but leaves a warm tingle in the back of the throat.  You can obviously make them as spicy as you want by adding more jalapenos, cayenne, or your anything of your choice.  I also make mine using ground chicken or turkey, but feel free to use beef, just make sure that you drain it off well before you add the spices and stuff. 

1 package of soft burrito shells
1 lb of ground turkey, chicken, or beef
1 package of taco seasoning, pick your favorite kind
2 jalapenos, seeded and minced (or hot pepper of your choice)
1 onion (I pureed mine since I don't like them, but you can just dice it) half for enchiladas and half for the guacamole
pinch of cayenne (to taste)
2 tsp of chili powder
1 can of refried beans
1 bag of Mexican shredded cheese
1 small can of enchilada sauce
2 tomato, diced
1 c. of frozen corn

2 small tomatoes or 1 large tomato, diced
1 avocado
1 tbsp lime juice  (use fresh please!)
the other half of the above minced onion
1 garlic clove minced
1 jalapeno seeded and minced if you like

    So in a skillet, brown the meat.  When the meat is almost browned, throw in half the onion, 2 tomatoes, the jalapenos, the seasoning packet, corn, the water called for on the seasoning packet, 2 tsps of chili powder and a pinch of cayenne.  Let cook until the water is dissolved and the vegetables are soft.  In a separate pot, heat the refried beans so they are easier to spread.  In a 9x9 pan, Pam (butter) the bottom so the burrito shells don't stick and begin the layering process. 
    Tear the shells so that they perfectly cover the bottom, then begin the layering process.  Layer the meat mixture on top of the shells, followed by some of the refried beans, then cheese and then a drizzle of enchilada sauce.  Repeat this until you've used all the meat, cheese, beans, and enchilada sauce.  Your last layer should be the cheese layer, that way you have a nice bubbly, cheesy top. 
Since most of it is cooked, you only need to bake it for 30 minutes (or until piping hot) in a 350 degree oven. 
    Meanwhile, in a bowl, you can whip up my guacamole.  To get into an avocado, BE CAREFUL!  Run you knife around the outside of the avocado, deep enough that you go to the seed.  Then twist it apart.  One side will that the seed stuck in it.  CAREFULLY, take you knife and whack the seed, your knife will stick in the seed and with a gentle twist, you should be able to pop the seed out.  JUST BE CAREFUL!!!!!!!!!  Once you have separated the seed from the avocado, take a spoon and run it around the edges of the avocado between the shell and the flesh.  The avocado flesh should pop right out, put it into a bowl and immediately add the lime juice.  Mash it with a fork and add the rest of the ingredients.  Stir them in gently and add salt and pepper to taste. 
   When the Enchilada Lasagna comes out of the oven, let it rest for 10 minutes so it sets up and then serve with the guacamole. 

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