Sunday, March 18, 2012

Catching up

Hi everyone,
  I'm so sorry I've been behind in blog postings.  School, work and life got a little crazy and then spring break happened.  My brother lives outside of New Orleans, so I love visiting him for spring break and besides the warm weather, the food is AMAZING!  My brother loves food as much as I do, so he and his friends have found some pretty awesome places to eat in and around New Orleans.  It's a good thing he loves me because I'm always wanting to eat out when I go down to visit him and it's my treat! 
This time, Craig was working midnights so we only got to eat out a few times, but the places he took me were sooooo good! We went to a place called The Cove, which we've gone to before and their food is just classic New Orleans.  Boiled shrimp, spicy and fresh just can't be beat!  Boiled shrimp is fresh shrimp that they throw in a pot of boiling water along with corn and potatoes.  They use a boil spice that is a combination of Old Bay and other seasonings, so the shrimp are sweet but spicy.  You order them by the pound and they come whole, with the shell on, so snap the head off, peel them and eat the tails.  Combined with some sweet tea, HEAVEN!  Be warned though, the place always has a line and they close at 9pm, so come early and be ready to wait.  There are only about 30 tables and a bar in the entire place. 
My next favorite place, which was brand new to me, was Kenner Seafood.  This place was great!  It also has about 30 tables and a bar and I highly suggest that YOU NEED TO EAT HERE!  The food is so good and the portions are HUGE!  My brother and I ordered crab au gratin and crab saute as an appetizer.  The portions were huge and I finished about 1/3 of the crab saute and one piece of the crab au gratin.  We both ordered dinner too, knowing that we would probably be taking leftovers home.  Craig ordered crayfish marie and I ordered shrimp marie.  This marie was served over angel hair pasta and included fried crawfish/shrimp and a cream tarragon sauce with a hint of spice!  I finished about a 1/4 of mine and so my brother had two days of delicious leftovers! 
So coming back to Ohio was a little bit of a disappointment.  I flew back in a cold rainstorm and then went for a two day Young Agricultural Professionals conference in Dublin, Ohio.  It was interesting and informative, and I'm very glad that I went. I hope I can become more active in that organization. 
So that explains a little bit of why I haven't posted, but I'll do better now that I'm back at school. 

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