Sunday, October 30, 2011

Warm Mini Apple Pies

So with the approach of fall, I immediately think apples and I become incredibly happy!  I loooove apples! My friends were also having a get together and I was in charge of dessert.... what could be better?  So I found an amazing dough recipes at .  This was honestly the best and tastiest dough recipe!  I am awful at rolling dough, normally mine has holes in it and looks awful, but this came out PERFECT! 
Dough recipe:
  I used 2 cups of regular flour and it turned out fine (instead of the cake flour)
So make the dough following the recipe from rainydaygal and let it sit in the fridge for 20 or so minutes. 
In the mean time you will need:
2 cups diced Granny Smith Apples (I like the tartness)
3/4 cup brown sugar
1tsp of cinnamon
pinch of nutmeg
pinch of cayenne (gives the filling a little bit of heat, so they taste warm, even when they are cold!)
1 to 1.5 tablespoons of flour (depending on how much water is in your apples.  I would use 1 tablespoon first, mix it all together and then see if you need to add more.  I like my filling thick, so I normally add 1.5)
2 Tablespoons of lemon juice

Peel and dice 2 Granny Smith apples
Put them in lemon juice so they don't turn brown.
Toss them around in the lemon juice and then add the brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne, and flour. 
Let that sit.

In the meantime, roll out the dough, about a quarter of an inch thick.  Take a cupcake pan and spray each of the circles with Pam.   Then, take a 3 inch wide mug and cut circles out of the dough.  Push the dough into the cupcake tins, creating a mini pie shell.  Try to make sure that you push the dough as far up the cupcake as you can, this makes a deeper pie and holds more filling.  YUM!  Then fill the pie shells with the apple pie filling.

Cover lightly with foil (so the edges don't burn) and bake for 30 - 40 minutes or until very bubble at 400 degrees. 
If you want to get super creative you could make tops for the apple pie and make a covered mini apple pie or make a crumb topped apple pie or even a caramel topped apple pie!  Variations may be coming at some point! 

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